Search Results: "gray"

24 May 2021

Antoine Beaupr : Leaving Freenode

The freenode IRC network has been hijacked. TL;DR: move to or, as did countless free software projects including Gentoo, CentOS, KDE, Wikipedia, FOSDEM, and more. Debian and the Tor project were already on OFTC and are not affected by this.

What is freenode and why should I care? freenode is the largest remaining IRC network. Before this incident, it had close to 80,000 users, which is small in terms of modern internet history -- even small social networks are larger by multiple orders of magnitude -- but is large in IRC history. The IRC network is also extensively used by the free software community, being the default IRC network on many programs, and used by hundreds if not thousands of free software projects. I have been using freenode since at least 2006. This matters if you care about IRC, the internet, open protocols, decentralisation, and, to a certain extent, federation as well. It also touches on who has the right on network resources: the people who "own" it (through money) or the people who make it work (through their labor). I am biased towards open protocols, the internet, federation, and worker power, and this might taint this analysis.

What happened? It's a long story, but basically:
  1. back in 2017, the former head of staff sold the domain (and its related company) to Andrew Lee, "American entrepreneur, software developer and writer", and, rather weirdly, supposedly "crown prince of Korea" although that part is kind of complex (see House of Yi, Yi Won, and Yi Seok). It should be noted the Korean Empire hasn't existed for over a century at this point (even though its flag, also weirdly, remains)
  2. back then, this was only known to the public as this strange PIA and freenode joining forces gimmick. it was suspicious at first, but since the network kept running, no one paid much attention to it. opers of the network were similarly reassured that Lee would have no say in the management of the network
  3. this all changed recently when Lee asserted ownership of the domain and started meddling in the operations of the network, according to this summary. this part is disputed, but it is corroborated by almost a dozen former staff which collectively resigned from the network in protest, after legal threats, when it was obvious freenode was lost.
  4. the departing freenode staff founded a new network,, based on the new ircd they were working on with OFTC, solanum
  5. meanwhile, bot armies started attacking all IRC networks: both libera and freenode, but also OFTC and unrelated networks like a small one I help operate. those attacks have mostly stopped as of this writing (2021-05-24 17:30UTC)
  6. on freenode, however, things are going for the worse: Lee has been accused of taking over a channel, in a grotesque abuse of power; then changing freenode policy to not only justify the abuse, but also remove rules against hateful speech, effectively allowing nazis on the network (update: the change was reverted, but not by Lee)
Update: even though the policy change was reverted, the actual conversations allowed on freenode have already degenerated into toxic garbage. There are also massive channel takeovers (presumably over 700), mostly on channels that were redirecting to libera, but also channels that were still live. Channels that were taken over include #fosdem, #wikipedia, #haskell... Instead of working on the network, the new "so-called freenode" staff is spending effort writing bots and patches to basically automate taking over channels. I run an IRC network and this bot is obviously not standard "services" stuff... This is just grotesque. At this point I agree with this HN comment:
We should stop implicitly legitimizing Andrew Lee's power grab by referring to his dominion as "Freenode". Freenode is a quarter-century-old community that has changed its name to; the thing being referred to here as "Freenode" is something else that has illegitimately acquired control of Freenode's old servers and user database, causing enormous inconvenience to the real Freenode.
I don't agree with the suggested name there, let's instead call it "so called freenode" as suggested later in the thread.

What now? I recommend people and organisations move away from freenode as soon as possible. This is a major change: documentation needs to be fixed, and the migration needs to be coordinated. But I do not believe we can trust the new freenode "owners" to operate the network reliably and in good faith. It's also important to use the current momentum to build a critical mass elsewhere so that people don't end up on freenode again by default and find an even more toxic community than your typical run-of-the-mill free software project (which is already not a high bar to meet). Update: people are moving to libera in droves. It's now reaching 18,000 users, which is bigger than OFTC and getting close to the largest, traditionnal, IRC networks (EFnet, Undernet, IRCnet are in the 10-20k users range). so-called freenode is still larger, currently clocking 68,000 users, but that's a huge drop from the previous count which was 78,000 before the exodus began. We're even starting to see the effects of the migration on Update 2: the site is updated more frequently than netsplit and shows tons more information. It shows 25k online users for libera and 61k for so-called freenode (down from ~78k), and the trend doesn't seem to be stopping for so-called freenode. There's also a list of 400+ channels that have moved out. Keep in mind that such migrations take effect over long periods of time.

Where do I move to? The first thing you should do is to figure out which tool to use for interactive user support. There are multiple alternatives, of course -- this is the internet after all -- but here is a short list of suggestions, in preferred priority order:
  3., which bridges with OFTC and (hopefully soon) with libera as well, modern IRC alternative
  4. XMPP/Jabber also still exists, if you're into that kind of stuff, but I don't think the "chat room" story is great there, at least not as good as Matrix
Basically, the decision tree is this:
  • if you want to stay on IRC:
    • if you are already on many OFTC channels and few freenode channels: move to OFTC
    • if you are more inclined to support the previous freenode staff: move to libera
    • if you care about matrix users (in the short term): move to OFTC
  • if you are ready to leave IRC:
    • if you want the latest and greatest: move to Matrix
    • if you like XML and already use XMPP: move to XMPP
Frankly, at this point, everyone should seriously consider moving to Matrix. The user story is great, the web is a first class user, it supports E2EE (although XMPP as well), and has a lot of momentum behind it. It even bridges with IRC well (which is not the case for XMPP) so if you're worried about problems like this happening again. (Indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if similar drama happens on OFTC or libera in the future. The history of IRC is full of such epic controversies, takeovers, sabotage, attacks, technical flamewars, and other silly things. I am not sure, but I suspect a federated model like Matrix might be more resilient to conflicts like this one.) Changing protocols might mean losing a bunch of users however: not everyone is ready to move to Matrix, for example. Graybeards like me have been using irssi for years, if not decades, and would take quite a bit of convincing to move elsewhere. I have mostly kept my channels on IRC, and moved either to OFTC or libera. In retrospect, I think I might have moved everything to OFTC if I would have thought about it more, because almost all of my channels are there. But I kind of expect a lot of the freenode community to move to libera, so I am keeping a socket open there anyways.

How do I move? The first thing you should do is to update documentation, websites, and source code to stop pointing at freenode altogether. This is what I did for feed2exec, for example. You need to let people know in the current channel as well, and possibly shutdown the channel on freenode. Since my channels are either small or empty, I took the radical approach of:
  • redirecting the channel to ##unavailable which is historically the way we show channels have moved to another network
  • make the channel invite-only (which effectively enforces the redirection)
  • kicking everyone out of the channel
  • kickban people who rejoin
  • set the topic to announce the change
In IRC speak, the following commands should do all this:
/msg ChanServ set #anarcat mlock +if ##unavailable
/msg ChanServ clear #anarcat users moving to
/msg ChanServ set #anarcat restricted on
/topic #anarcat this channel has moved to
If the channel is not registered, the following might work
/mode #anarcat +if ##unavailable
Then you can leave freenode altogether:
/disconnect Freenode unacceptable hijack, policy changes and takeovers. so long and thanks for all the fish.
Keep in mind that some people have been unable to setup such redirections, because the new freenode staff have taken over their channel, in which case you're out of luck... Some people have expressed concern about their private data hosted at freenode as well. If you care about this, you can always talk to NickServ and DROP your nick. Be warned, however, that this assumes good faith of the network operators, which, at this point, is kind of futile. I would assume any data you have registered on there (typically: your NickServ password and email address) to be compromised and leaked. If your password is used elsewhere (tsk, tsk), change it everywhere. Update: there's also another procedure, similar to the above, but with a different approach. Keep in mind that so-called freenode staff are actively hijacking channels for the mere act of mentioning libera in the channel topic, so thread carefully there.

Last words This is a sad time for IRC in general, and freenode in particular. It's a real shame that the previous freenode staff have been kicked out, and it's especially horrible that if the new policies of the network are basically making the network open to nazis. I wish things would have gone out differently: now we have yet another fork in the IRC history. While it's not the first time freenode changes name (it was called OPN before), now the old freenode is still around and this will bring much confusion to the world, especially since the new freenode staff is still claiming to support FOSS. I understand there are many sides to this story, and some people were deeply hurt by all this. But for me, it's completely unacceptable to keep pushing your staff so hard that they basically all (except one?) resign in protest. For me, that's leadership failure at the utmost, and a complete disgrace. And of course, I can't in good conscience support or join a network that allows hate speech. Regardless of the fate of whatever we'll call what's left of freenode, maybe it's time for this old IRC thing to die already. It's still a sad day in internet history, but then again, maybe IRC will never die...

13 September 2020

Jonathan Carter: Wootbook / Tongfang laptop

Old laptop I ve been meaning to get a new laptop for a while now. My ThinkPad X250 is now 5 years old and even though it s still adequate in many ways, I tend to run out of memory especially when running a few virtual machines. It only has one memory slot, which I maxed out at 16GB shortly after I got it. Memory has been a problem in considering a new machine. Most new laptops have soldered RAM and local configurations tend to ship with 8GB RAM. Getting a new machine with only a slightly better CPU and even just the same amount of RAM as what I have in the X250 seems a bit wasteful. I was eyeing the Lenovo X13 because it s a super portable that can take up to 32GB of RAM, and it ships with an AMD Ryzen 4000 series chip which has great performance. With Lenovo s discount for Debian Developers it became even more attractive. Unfortunately that s in North America only (at least for now) so that didn t work out this time.

Enter Tongfang I ve been reading a bunch of positive reviews about the Tuxedo Pulse 14 and KDE Slimbook 14. Both look like great AMD laptops, supports up to 64GB of RAM and clearly runs Linux well. I also noticed that they look quite similar, and after some quick searches it turns out that these are made by Tongfang and that its model number is PF4NU1F. I also learned that a local retailer (Wootware) sells them as the Wootbook. I ve seen one of these before although it was an Intel-based one, but it looked like a nice machine and I was already curious about it back then. After struggling for a while to find a local laptop with a Ryzen CPU and that s nice and compact and that breaks the 16GB memory barrier, finding this one that jumped all the way to 64GB sealed the deal for me. This is the specs for the configuration I got:

This configuration cost R18 796 ( 947 / $1122). That s significantly cheaper than anything else I can get that even starts to approach these specs. So this is a cheap laptop, but you wouldn t think so by using it.
I used the Debian netinstall image to install, and installation was just another uneventful and boring Debian installation (yay!). Unfortunately it needs the firmware-iwlwifi and firmare-amd-graphics packages for the binary blobs that drives the wifi card and GPU. At least it works flawlessly and you don t need an additional non-free display driver (as is the case with NVidia GPUs). I haven t tested the graphics extensively yet, but desktop graphics performance is very snappy. This GPU also does fancy stuff like VP8/VP9 encoding/decoding, so I m curious to see how well it does next time I have to encode some videos. The wifi upgrade was nice for copying files over. My old laptop maxed out at 300Mbps, this one connects to my home network between 800-1000Mbps. At this speed I don t bother connecting via cable at home. I read on Twitter that Tuxedo Computers thinks that it s possible to bring Coreboot to this device. That would be yet another plus for this machine. I ll try to answer some of my own questions about this device that I had before, that other people in the Debian community might also have if they re interested in this device. Since many of us are familiar with the ThinkPad X200 series of laptops, I ll compare it a bit to my X250, and also a little to the X13 that I was considering before. Initially, I was a bit hesitant about the 14 form factor, since I really like the portability of the 12.5 ThinkPad. But because the screen bezel is a lot smaller, the Wootbook (that just rolls off the tongue a lot better than the PF4NU1F ) is just slightly wider than the X250. It weighs in at 1.1KG instead of the 1.38KG of the X250. It s also thinner, so even though it has a larger display, it actually feels a lot more portable. Here s a picture of my X250 on top of the Wootbook, you can see a few mm of Wootbook sticking out to the right.
Card Reader One thing that I overlooked when ordering this laptop was that it doesn t have an SD card reader. I see that some variations have them, like on this Slimbook review. It s not a deal-breaker for me, I have a USB card reader that s very light and that I ll just keep in my backpack. But if you re ordering one of these machines and have some choice, it might be something to look out for if it s something you care about. Keyboard/Touchpad On to the keyboard. This keyboard isn t quite as nice to type on as on the ThinkPad, but, it s not bad at all. I type on many different laptop keyboards and I would rank this keyboard very comfortably in the above average range. I ve been typing on it a lot over the last 3 days (including this blog post) and it started feeling natural very quickly and I m not distracted by it as much as I thought I would be transitioning from the ThinkPad or my mechanical desktop keyboard. In terms of layout, it s nice having an actual Insert button again. This is things normal users don t care about, but since I use mc (where insert selects files) this is a welcome return :). I also like that it doesn t have a Print Screen button at the bottom of my keyboard between alt and ctrl like the ThinkPad has. Unfortunately, it doesn t have dedicated pgup/pgdn buttons. I use those a lot in apps to switch between tabs. At leas the Fn button and the ctrl buttons are next to each other, so pressing those together with up and down to switch tabs isn t that horrible, but if I don t get used to it in another day or two I might do some remapping. The touchpad has en extra sensor-button on the top left corner that s used on Windows to temporarily disable the touchpad. I captured it s keyscan codes and it presses left control + keyscan code 93. The airplane mode, volume and brightness buttons work fine. I do miss the ThinkPad trackpoint. It s great especially in confined spaces, your hands don t have to move far from the keyboard for quick pointer operations and it s nice for doing something quick and accurate. I painted a bit in Krita last night, and agree with other reviewers that the touchpad could do with just a bit more resolution. I was initially disturbed when I noticed that my physical touchpad buttons were gone, but you get right-click by tapping with two fingers, and middle click with tapping 3 fingers. Not quite as efficient as having the real buttons, but it actually works ok. For the most part, this keyboard and touchpad is completely adequate. Only time will tell whether the keyboard still works fine in a few years from now, but I really have no serious complaints about it. Display The X250 had a brightness of 172 nits. That s not very bright, I think the X250 has about the dimmest display in the ThinkPad X200 range. This hasn t been a problem for me until recently, my eyes are very photo-sensitive so most of the time I use it at reduced brightness anyway, but since I ve been working from home a lot recently, it s nice to sometimes sit outside and work, especially now that it s spring time and we have some nice days. At full brightness, I can t see much on my X250 outside. The Wootbook is significantly brighter even (even at less than 50% brightness), although I couldn t find the exact specification for its brightness online. Ports The Wootbook has 3x USB type A ports and 1x USB type C port. That s already quite luxurious for a compact laptop. As I mentioned in the specs above, it also has a full-sized ethernet socket. On the new X13 (the new ThinkPad machine I was considering), you only get 2x USB type A ports and if you want ethernet, you have to buy an additional adapter that s quite expensive especially considering that it s just a cable adapter (I don t think it contains any electronics). It has one hdmi port. Initially I was a bit concerned at lack of displayport (which my X250 has), but with an adapter it s possible to convert the USB-C port to displayport and it seems like it s possible to connect up to 3 external displays without using something weird like display over usual USB3.

Overall remarks When maxing out the CPU, the fan is louder than on a ThinkPad, I definitely noticed it while compiling the zfs-dkms module. On the plus side, that happened incredibly fast. Comparing the Wootbook to my X250, the biggest downfall it has is really it s pointing device. It doesn t have a trackpad and the touchpad is ok and completely usable, but not great. I use my laptop on a desk most of the time so using an external mouse will mostly solve that. If money were no object, I would definitely choose a maxed out ThinkPad for its superior keyboard/mouse, but the X13 configured with 32GB of RAM and 128GB of SSD retails for just about double of what I paid for this machine. It doesn t seem like you can really buy the perfect laptop no matter how much money you want to spend, there s some compromise no matter what you end up choosing, but this machine packs quite a punch, especially for its price, and so far I m very happy with my purchase and the incredible performance it provides. I m also very glad that Wootware went with the gray/black colours, I prefer that by far to the white and silver variants. It s also the first laptop I ve had since 2006 that didn t come with Windows on it. The Wootbook is also comfortable/sturdy enough to carry with one hand while open. The ThinkPads are great like this and with many other brands this just feels unsafe. I don t feel as confident carrying it by it s display because it s very thin (I know, I shouldn t be doing that with the ThinkPads either, but I ve been doing that for years without a problem :) ). There s also a post on Reddit that tracks where you can buy these machines from various vendors all over the world.

15 July 2020

Evgeni Golov: Scanning with a Brother MFC-L2720DW on Linux without any binary blobs

Back in 2015, I've got a Brother MFC-L2720DW for the casual "I need to print those two pages" and "I need to scan these receipts" at home (and home-office ;)). It's a rather cheap (I paid less than 200 in 2015) monochrome laser printer, scanner and fax with a (well, two, wired and wireless) network interface. In those five years I've never used the fax or WiFi functions, but printed a scanned a few pages. Brother offers Linux drivers, but those are binary blobs which I never really liked to run. The printer part works just fine with a "Generic PCL 6/PCL XL" driver in CUPS or even "driverless" via AirPrint on Linux. You can also feed it plain PostScript, but I found it rather slow compared to PCL. On recent Androids it works using the built in printer service or Mopria Printer Service for older ones - I used to joke "why would you need a printer on your phone?!", but found it quite useful after a few tries. However, for the scanner part I had to use Brother's brscan4 driver on Linux and their iPrint&Scan app on Android - Mopria Scan wouldn't support it. Until, last Friday, I've seen a NEW package being uploaded to Debian: sane-airscan. And yes, monitoring the Debian NEW queue via Twitter is totally legit! sane-airscan is an implementation of Apple's AirScan (eSCL) and Microsoft's WSD/WS-Scan protocols for SANE. I've never heard of those before - only about AirPrint, but thankfully this does not mean nobody has reverse-engineered them and created something that works beautifully on Linux. As of today there are no packages in the official Fedora repositories and the Debian ones are still in NEW, however the upstream documentation refers to an openSUSE OBS repository that works like a charm in the meantime (on Fedora 32). The only drawback I've seen so far: the scanner only works in "Color" mode and there is no way to scan in "Grayscale", making scanning a tad slower. This has been reported upstream and might or might not be fixable, as it seems the device does not announce any mode besides "Color". Interestingly, SANE has an eSCL backend on its own since 1.0.29, but it's disabled in Fedora in favor of sane-airscan even though the later isn't available in Fedora yet. However, it might not even need separate packaging, as SANE upstream is planning to integrate it into sane-backends directly.

9 June 2020

Julian Andres Klode: Review: Chromebook Duet

Sporting a beautiful 10.1 1920x1200 display, the Lenovo IdeaPad Duet Chromebook or Duet Chromebook, is one of the latest Chromebooks released, and one of the few slate-style tablets, and it s only about 300 EUR (300 USD). I ve had one for about 2 weeks now, and here are my thoughts.

Build & Accessories The tablet is a fairly Pixel-style affair, in that the back has two components, one softer blue one housing the camera and a metal feeling gray one. Build quality is fairly good. The volume and power buttons are located on the right side of the tablet, and this is one of the main issues: You end up accidentally pressing the power button when you want to turn your volume lower, despite the power button having a different texture. Alongside the tablet, you also find a kickstand with a textile back, and a keyboard, both of which attach via magnets (and pogo pins for the keyboard). The keyboard is crammed, with punctuation keys being halfed in size, and it feels mushed compared to my usual experiences of ThinkPads and Model Ms, but it s on par with other Chromebooks, which is surprising, given it s a tablet attachment.
fully assembled chromebook duet fully assembled chromebook duet
I mostly use the Duet as a tablet, and only attach the keyboard occasionally. Typing with the keyboard on your lap is suboptimal. My first Duet had a few bunches of dead pixels, so I returned it, as I had a second one I could not cancel ordered as well. Oh dear. That one was fine!

Hardware & Connectivity The Chromebook Duet is powered by a Mediatek Helio P60T SoC, 4GB of RAM, and a choice of 64 or 128 GB of main storage. The tablet provides one USB-C port for charging, audio output (a 3.5mm adapter is provided in the box), USB hub, and video output; though, sadly, the latter is restricted to a maximum of 1080p30, or 1440x900 at 60 Hz. It can be charged using the included 10W charger, or use up to I believe 18W from a higher powered USB-C PD charger. I ve successfully used the Chromebook with a USB-C monitor with attached keyboard, mouse, and DAC without any issues. On the wireless side, the tablet provides 2x2 Wifi AC and Bluetooth 4.2. WiFi reception seemed just fine, though I have not done any speed testing, missing a sensible connection at the moment. I used Bluetooth to connect to my smartphone for instant tethering, and my Sony WH1000XM2 headphones, both of which worked without any issues. The screen is a bright 400 nit display with excellent viewing angles, and the speakers do a decent job, meaning you can use easily use this for watching a movie when you re alone in a room and idling around. It has a resolution of 1920x1200. The device supports styluses following the USI standard. As of right now, the only such stylus I know about is an HP one, and it costs about 70 or so. Cameras are provided on the front and the rear, but produce terrible images.

Software: The tablet experience The Chromebook Duet runs Chrome OS, and comes with access to Android apps using the play store (and sideloading in dev mode) and access to full Linux environments powered by LXD inside VMs. The screen which has 1920x1200 is scaled to a ridiculous 1080x675 by default which is good for being able to tap buttons and stuff, but provides next to no content. Scaling it to 1350x844 makes things more balanced. The Linux integration is buggy. Touches register in different places than where they happened, and the screen is cut off in full screen extremetuxracer, making it hard to recommend for such uses. Android apps generally work fine. There are some issues with the back gesture not registering, but otherwise I have not found issues I can remember. One major drawback as a portable media consumption device is that Android apps only work in Widevine level 3, and hence do not have access to HD content, and the web apps of Netflix and co do not support downloading. Though one of the Duets actually said L1 in check apps at some point (reported in issue 1090330). It s also worth noting that Amazon Prime Video only renders in HD, unless you change your user agent to say you are Chrome on Windows - bad Amazon! The tablet experience also lags in some other ways, as the palm rejection is overly extreme, causing it to reject valid clicks close to the edge of the display (reported in issue 1090326). The on screen keyboard is terrible. It only does one language at a time, forcing me to switch between German and English all the time, and does not behave as you d expect it when editing existing words - it does not know about them and thinks you are starting a new one. It does provide a small keyboard that you can move around, as well as a draw your letters keyboard, which could come in handy for stylus users, I guess. In any case, it s miles away from gboard on Android. Stability is a mixed bag right now. As of Chrome OS 83, sites (well only Disney+ so far ) sometimes get killed with SIGILL or SIGTRAP, and the device rebooted on its own once or twice. Android apps that use the DRM sometimes do not start, and the Netflix Android app sometimes reports it cannot connect to the servers.

Performance Performance is decent to sluggish, with micro stuttering in a lot of places. The Mediatek CPU is comparable to Intel Atoms, and with only 4GB of RAM, and an entire Android container running, it s starting to show how weak it is. I found that Google Docs worked perfectly fine, as did websites such as Mastodon, Twitter, Facebook. Where the device really struggled was Reddit, where closing or opening a post, or getting a reply box could take 5 seconds or more. If you are looking for a Reddit browsing device, this is not for you. Performance in Netflix was fine, and Disney+ was fairly slow but still usable. All in all, it s acceptable, and given the price point and the build quality, probably the compromise you d expect.

Summary tl;dr:
  • good: Build quality, bright screen, low price, included accessories
  • bad: DRM issues, performance, limited USB-C video output, charging speed, on-screen keyboard, software bugs
The Chromebook Duet or IdeaPad Duet Chromebook is a decent tablet that is built well above its price point. It s lackluster performance and DRM woes make it hard to give a general recommendation, though. It s not a good laptop. I can see this as the perfect note taking device for students, and as a cheap tablet for couch surfing, or as your on-the-go laptop replacement, if you need it only occasionally. I cannot see anyone using this as their main laptop, although I guess some people only have phones these days, so: what do I know? I can see you getting this device if you want to tinker with Linux on ARM, as Chromebooks are quite nice to tinker with, and a tablet is super nice.

28 April 2020

Antoine Beaupr : Drowned my camera: dealing with liquid spills in electronics

Folks who acutely dig into this website might know that I have been taking more pictures recently, as I got a new camera since January 2018: a beautiful Fujifilm X-T2 that I really like. Recently, I went out on a photo shoot in the rain. It was intermittent, light rain when I left so I figured the "weather proofing" ( calls this "environmentally sealed") would keep the camera secure. After an hour of walking outside, however, rain intensified and I was just quickly becoming more and more soaked. Still trusting the camera would function, I carried on. But after about 90 minutes of dutiful work, the camera just turned off and wouldn't power back on. It had drowned. I couldn't believe it; "but this is supposed to be waterproof! This can't be happening!", I thought. I tried swapping out the battery for a fresh one, which was probably a bad idea (even if I was smart enough to do this under cover): still no luck, yet I could still not believe it was dead, so I figured I would look at it later when I was home. I still eventually removed the battery after a while, remembering that it mattered. Turns out the camera was really dead. Even at home, it wouldn't power up, even with fresh batteries. After closer inspection, the camera was as soaked as I was...
Two Sandisk memory cards with water droplets on them ...even the SD cards were wet!
I was filled with despair! My precious camera! I had been waiting for litterally decades to find the right digital camera that was as close to the good old film cameras I was used to. I was even working on black and white "film" to get back to basics, which turned into a project to witness the impact of the coronavirus on city life! All that was lost, or at least stopped: amazingly, the SD cards were just absolutely fine and survived the flooding without problem.
A one-way sign broken, fallen on the side in a gray cityscape The last photo my camera took before it died
A good photographer friend told me that this was actually fairly common: "if you shoot outside, get used to this, it will happen". So I tried "the rice trick": plunge your camera in a pile of rice and let it rest there for a long time. It didn't work so well: I didn't have a big enough container to hold the camera and the rice. I was also worried about rice particles inserting themselves into the camera holes, as I had opened all the ports to let it dry. I could also not keep myself from inserting a battery and trying it out again: amazingly, it powered up, only once, and died again. After shopping in desperation for dessicators (who would have thought you should keep those little bags from the stuff you order online!), I ended up buying silica gel dehumidifier from Lee Valley (13$, the small one!) which comes in a neat little metal box. But that never arrived in time so I had to find another solution. My partner threw the idea out in jest, but the actual solution worked, and it was surprisingly simple!
My camera and lens drying in a food dehydrator, at 30 C with 22 hours left Tada! Turns out you can dehydrate hardware too!
We have a food dehydrator at home (a Sedna Express if you really want to know) since we do a lot of backpacking and canot-camping, but I never thought I would put electronics in there. Turns out a food dehydrator is perfect: it has a per degree temperature control that can go very low and a timer. I set it to 30 C for 24 hours. (I originally set it to 40 C but it smelled like plastic after a while so my partner turned it off thinking it was melting the camera.) And now the camera is back! I was so happy! There is probably some permanent damage to the delicate circuitry in the camera. And I will probably not go back out in heavy rain again with the camera, or at least not without a rainjacket (35$USD at B&H) on the camera. And I am now in a position to tell other people what to do if they suffer the same fate...

Tips for dealing with electronic liquid damage So, lessons learned...
  1. when you have a liquid spill over your electronics: IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALL ELECTRIC POWER, including the battery! (this is another reason why all batteries should be removable)
  2. if the spill is "sticky" (e.g. coffee, beer, maple syrup, etc) or "salty", do try to wash it with water, yet without flooding it any further (delicate balance, I know) some devices are especially well adapted to this: I have washed a keyboard with a shower head and drowned the thing completely, it worked fine after drying.
  3. do NOT power it back on until you are certain the equipment is dry
  4. let the electronics device dry for 24 to 48 hours with all ports open in a humidity-absorbing environment: a bag of rice works, but a food dehydrator is best. make sure the rice doesn't get stuck inside the machine: use a small mesh bag if necessary
  5. once you are confident the device has dried, fiddle with the controls and see if water comes out: it might not have dried because it was stuck inside a button or dial. if dry, try powering it back on and watch the symptoms. if it's still weird, try drying it for another day.
  6. if you get tired of waiting and the machine doesn't come back up, you will have to send it to the repair shop or open it up yourself to see if there is soldering damage you can fix.
I hope it might help careless people who dropped their coffee or ran out in the rain, believing the hype of waterproof cameras. Amateur tip: waterproof cameras are not waterproof...

28 October 2017

Russ Allbery: Review: Provenance

Review: Provenance, by Ann Leckie
Publisher: Orbit
Copyright: September 2017
ISBN: 0-316-38863-7
Format: Kindle
Pages: 448
In a rather desperate attempt to please her mother, Ingray has spent every resource she has on extracting the son of a political enemy from Compassionate Removal (think life imprisonment with really good marketing). The reason: vestiges, a cultural touchstone for Ingray's native planet of Hwae. These are invitation cards, floor tiles, wall panels, or just about anything that can be confirmed to have been physically present at an important or historical moment, or in the presence of a famous figure. The person Ingray is retrieving supposedly pulled off the biggest theft of vestiges in history. If she can locate them, it would be a huge coup for her highly-placed politician mother, and the one time she would be victorious in her forced rivalry with her brother. About the best thing that could be said for this plan is that it's audacious. The first obstacle is the arrival of the Geck on the station for a Conclave for renegotiation of the treaty with the Presger, possibly the most important thing going on in the galaxy at the moment, which strands her there without money for food. The second is that the person she has paid so much to extract from Compassionate Removal says they aren't the person she was looking for at all, and are not particularly interested in going with her to Hwae. Only a bit of creative thinking in the face of a visit from the local authorities, and the unexpected kindness of the captain from whom she booked travel, might get her home with the tatters of her plan intact. But she's clearly far out of her depth. Provenance is set in the same universe as Ancillary Justice and its sequels, but it is not set in the empire of the Radchaai. This is another human world entirely, one with smaller and more provincial concerns. The aftermath of Ancillary Mercy is playing out in the background (so do not, on risk of serious spoilers, read the start of this book without having read the previous trilogy), but this is in no way a sequel. Neither the characters nor the plot are involved in that aftermath. It's a story told at a much smaller scale, about two political families, cut-throat maneuvering, horrible parenting, the inexplicable importance of social artifacts, the weirdness of human/alien relations, and the merits of some very unlikely allies. Provenance is a very different type of story than Ancillary Justice, and Ingray is a very different protagonist. The shape of the plot reminded me of one of Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan stories: hair-brained ideas, improvisation, and unlikely allies. But Ingray couldn't be more different than Miles. She starts the book overwhelmed, despairing, and not at all manic, and one spends the first part of the story feeling sorry for her and becoming quite certain that everything will go horribly wrong. The heart of this book is the parallel path Leckie takes the reader and the characters along as they discover just what Ingray's true talents and capabilities are. It's a book about being hopelessly bad at things one was pressured towards being good at, while being quietly and subtly good at the skills that let one survive a deeply dysfunctional family. There are lots of books with very active protagonists, and a depressing number of books with passive protagonists pushed around by the plot. There are very few books that pull off the delicate characterization that Leckie manages here: a protagonist who is rather hopeless at taking charge of the plot in the way everyone wants (but doesn't particularly expect) her to, but who charts her own path through the plot in an entirely unexpected way. It's a story that grows on you. The plot rhythm never works in quite the way one expects from other books, but it builds its own logic and its own rhythm, and reached a very emotionally satisfying conclusion. The Radchaai, or at least one Radchaai citizen, do show up eventually, providing a glimmer of outside view at the Ancillary Justice world. Even better, the Geck play a significant role. I adore Leckie's aliens: they're strange and confusing, but in a refreshingly blunt way rather than abusing gnomic utterances and incomprehensible intelligence. And the foot-stomping of the spider bot made me laugh every time. The stakes are a lot lower here than in Ancillary Justice, and Ingray isn't the sort of character who's going to change the world. But that's okay; indeed, one of the points of this book is why and how that's okay. I won't lie: I'd love more Breq, and I hope we eventually get an exploration of the larger consequences of her story. But this is a delightful story that made me happy and has defter character work than most SF being written. Recommended, but read the Ancillary trilogy first. One minor closing complaint, which didn't change my experience of the book but which I can't help quibbling about: I'm completely onboard with the three-gender system that Leckie uses for the Hwae (I wish more SF authors would play with social as well as technological ideas), and I think she wove it deftly into the story, but I wish she hadn't used Spivak pronouns for the third gender. (e/em/eir, for those who aren't familiar.) Any of the other gender-neutral pronouns look better to me and cause fewer problems for my involuntary proofreader. I prefer zie/zir for personal reasons, but sie/hir, zhe/zhim/zher, or even thon or per would read more smoothly. Eir is fine, but em looks like 'em and throws my brain into dialect mode and forces a re-parse, and e just looks like a typo. I know from lots of Usenet discussions of pronouns that I'm not the only one who has that reaction to Spivak. But it's a very minor nit. Rating: 8 out of 10

9 August 2017

Petter Reinholdtsen: Simpler recipe on how to make a simple $7 IMSI Catcher using Debian

On friday, I came across an interesting article in the Norwegian web based ICT news magazine on how to collect the IMSI numbers of nearby cell phones using the cheap DVB-T software defined radios. The article refered to instructions and a recipe by Keld Norman on Youtube on how to make a simple $7 IMSI Catcher, and I decided to test them out. The instructions said to use Ubuntu, install pip using apt (to bypass apt), use pip to install pybombs (to bypass both apt and pip), and the ask pybombs to fetch and build everything you need from scratch. I wanted to see if I could do the same on the most recent Debian packages, but this did not work because pybombs tried to build stuff that no longer build with the most recent openssl library or some other version skew problem. While trying to get this recipe working, I learned that the apt->pip->pybombs route was a long detour, and the only piece of software dependency missing in Debian was the gr-gsm package. I also found out that the lead upstream developer of gr-gsm (the name stand for GNU Radio GSM) project already had a set of Debian packages provided in an Ubuntu PPA repository. All I needed to do was to dget the Debian source package and built it. The IMSI collector is a python script listening for packages on the loopback network device and printing to the terminal some specific GSM packages with IMSI numbers in them. The code is fairly short and easy to understand. The reason this work is because gr-gsm include a tool to read GSM data from a software defined radio like a DVB-T USB stick and other software defined radios, decode them and inject them into a network device on your Linux machine (using the loopback device by default). This proved to work just fine, and I've been testing the collector for a few days now. The updated and simpler recipe is thus to
  1. start with a Debian machine running Stretch or newer,
  2. build and install the gr-gsm package available from,
  3. clone the git repostory from,
  4. run grgsm_livemon and adjust the frequency until the terminal where it was started is filled with a stream of text (meaning you found a GSM station).
  5. go into the IMSI-catcher directory and run 'sudo python' to extract the IMSI numbers.
To make it even easier in the future to get this sniffer up and running, I decided to package the gr-gsm project for Debian (WNPP #871055), and the package was uploaded into the NEW queue today. Luckily the gnuradio maintainer has promised to help me, as I do not know much about gnuradio stuff yet. I doubt this "IMSI cacher" is anywhere near as powerfull as commercial tools like The Spy Phone Portable IMSI / IMEI Catcher or the Harris Stingray, but I hope the existance of cheap alternatives can make more people realise how their whereabouts when carrying a cell phone is easily tracked. Seeing the data flow on the screen, realizing that I live close to a police station and knowing that the police is also wearing cell phones, I wonder how hard it would be for criminals to track the position of the police officers to discover when there are police near by, or for foreign military forces to track the location of the Norwegian military forces, or for anyone to track the location of government officials... It is worth noting that the data reported by the IMSI-catcher script mentioned above is only a fraction of the data broadcasted on the GSM network. It will only collect one frequency at the time, while a typical phone will be using several frequencies, and not all phones will be using the frequencies tracked by the grgsm_livemod program. Also, there is a lot of radio chatter being ignored by the simple_IMSI-catcher script, which would be collected by extending the parser code. I wonder if gr-gsm can be set up to listen to more than one frequency?

29 July 2017

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Updated overbought/oversold plot function

A good six years ago I blogged about plotOBOS() which charts a moving average (from one of several available variants) along with shaded standard deviation bands. That post has a bit more background on the why/how and motivation, but as a teaser here is the resulting chart of the SP500 index (with ticker ^GSCP): Example chart of overbought/oversold levels from plotOBOS() function The code uses a few standard finance packages for R (with most of them maintained by Joshua Ulrich given that Jeff Ryan, who co-wrote chunks of these, is effectively retired from public life). Among these, xts had a recent release reflecting changes which occurred during the four (!!) years since the previous release, and covering at least two GSoC projects. With that came subtle API changes: something we all generally try to avoid but which is at times the only way forward. In this case, the shading code I used (via polygon() from base R) no longer cooperated with the beefed-up functionality of plot.xts(). Luckily, Ross Bennett incorporated that same functionality into a new function addPolygon --- which even credits this same post of mine. With that, the updated code becomes
## plotOBOS -- displaying overbough/oversold as eg in Bespoke's plots
## Copyright (C) 2010 - 2017  Dirk Eddelbuettel
## This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
suppressMessages(library(quantmod))     # for getSymbols(), brings in xts too
suppressMessages(library(TTR))          # for various moving averages
plotOBOS <- function(symbol, n=50, type=c("sma", "ema", "zlema"),
                     years=1, blue=TRUE, current=TRUE, title=symbol,
                     ticks=TRUE, axes=TRUE)  
    today <- Sys.Date()
    if (class(symbol) == "character")  
        X <- getSymbols(symbol, from=format(today-365*years-2*n), auto.assign=FALSE)
        x <- X[,6]                          # use Adjusted
      else if (inherits(symbol, "zoo"))  
        x <- X <- as.xts(symbol)
        current <- FALSE                # don't expand the supplied data
    n <- min(nrow(x)/3, 50)             # as we may not have 50 days
    sub <- ""
    if (current)  
        xx <- getQuote(symbol)
        xt <- xts(xx$Last,$ Trade Time ))
        colnames(xt) <- paste(symbol, "Adjusted", sep=".")
        x <- rbind(x, xt)
        sub <- paste("Last price: ", xx$Last, " at ",
                     format(as.POSIXct(xx$ Trade Time ), "%H:%M"), sep="")
    type <- match.arg(type)
    xd <- switch(type,                  # compute xd as the central location via selected MA smoother
                 sma = SMA(x,n),
                 ema = EMA(x,n),
                 zlema = ZLEMA(x,n))
    xv <- runSD(x, n)                   # compute xv as the rolling volatility
    strt <- paste(format(today-365*years), "::", sep="")
    x  <- x[strt]                       # subset plotting range using xts' nice functionality
    xd <- xd[strt]
    xv <- xv[strt]
    xyd <- xy.coords(.index(xd),xd[,1]) # xy coordinates for direct plot commands
    xyv <- xy.coords(.index(xv),xv[,1])
    n <- length(xyd$x)
    xx <- xyd$x[c(1,1:n,n:1)]           # for polygon(): from first point to last and back
    if (blue)  
        blues5 <- c("#EFF3FF", "#BDD7E7", "#6BAED6", "#3182BD", "#08519C") # cf brewer.pal(5, "Blues")
        fairlylight <<- rgb(189/255, 215/255, 231/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[2]
        verylight <<- rgb(239/255, 243/255, 255/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[1]
        dark <<- rgb(8/255, 81/255, 156/255, alpha=0.625) # aka blues5[5]
        ## buglet in xts 0.10-0 requires the <<- here
        fairlylight <<- rgb(204/255, 204/255, 204/255, alpha=0.5)  # two suitable grays, alpha-blending at 50%
        verylight <<- rgb(242/255, 242/255, 242/255, alpha=0.5)
        dark <<- 'black'
    plot(x, ylim=range(range(x, xd+2*xv, xd-2*xv, na.rm=TRUE)), main=title, sub=sub, 
         major.ticks=ticks, minor.ticks=ticks, axes=axes) # basic xts plot setup
    addPolygon(xts(cbind(xyd$y+xyv$y, xyd$y+2*xyv$y),, on=1, col=fairlylight)  # upper
    addPolygon(xts(cbind(xyd$y-xyv$y, xyd$y+1*xyv$y),, on=1, col=verylight)    # center
    addPolygon(xts(cbind(xyd$y-xyv$y, xyd$y-2*xyv$y),, on=1, col=fairlylight)  # lower
    lines(xd, lwd=2, col=fairlylight)   # central smooted location
    lines(x, lwd=3, col=dark)           # actual price, thicker
and the main change are the three calls to addPolygon. To illustrate, we call plotOBOS("SPY", years=2) with an updated plot of the ETF representing the SP500 over the last two years: Updated example chart of overbought/oversold levels from plotOBOS() function Comments and further enhancements welcome!

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

20 June 2017

Norbert Preining: TeX Live 2017 hits Debian/unstable

Yesterday I uploaded the first packages of TeX Live 2017 to Debian/unstable, meaning that the new release cycle has started. Debian/stretch was released over the weekend, and this opened up unstable for new developments. The upload comprised the following packages: asymptote, cm-super, context, context-modules, texlive-base, texlive-bin, texlive-extra, texlive-extra, texlive-lang, texworks, xindy.
I mentioned already in a previous post the following changes: The last two changes are described together with other news (easy TEXMF tree management) in the TeX Live release post. These changes more or less sum up the new infra structure developments in TeX Live 2017. Since the last release to unstable (which happened in 2017-01-23) about half a year of package updates have accumulated, below is an approximate list of updates (not split into new/updated, though). Enjoy the brave new world of TeX Live 2017, and please report bugs to the BTS! Updated/new packages:
academicons, achemso, acmart, acro, actuarialangle, actuarialsymbol, adobemapping, alkalami, amiri, animate, aomart, apa6, apxproof, arabluatex, archaeologie, arsclassica, autoaligne, autobreak, autosp, axodraw2, babel, babel-azerbaijani, babel-english, babel-french, babel-indonesian, babel-japanese, babel-malay, babel-ukrainian, bangorexam, baskervaldx, baskervillef, bchart, beamer, beamerswitch, bgteubner, biblatex-abnt, biblatex-anonymous, biblatex-archaeology, biblatex-arthistory-bonn, biblatex-bookinother, biblatex-caspervector, biblatex-cheatsheet, biblatex-chem, biblatex-chicago, biblatex-claves, biblatex-enc, biblatex-fiwi, biblatex-gb7714-2015, biblatex-gost, biblatex-ieee, biblatex-iso690, biblatex-manuscripts-philology, biblatex-morenames, biblatex-nature, biblatex-opcit-booktitle, biblatex-oxref, biblatex-philosophy, biblatex-publist, biblatex-shortfields, biblatex-subseries, bibtexperllibs, bidi, biochemistry-colors, bookcover, boondox, bredzenie, breqn, bxbase, bxcalc, bxdvidriver, bxjalipsum, bxjaprnind, bxjscls, bxnewfont, bxorigcapt, bxpapersize, bxpdfver, cabin, callouts, chemfig, chemformula, chemmacros, chemschemex, childdoc, circuitikz, cje, cjhebrew, cjk-gs-integrate, cmpj, cochineal, combofont, context, conv-xkv, correctmathalign, covington, cquthesis, crimson, crossrefware, csbulletin, csplain, csquotes, css-colors, cstldoc, ctex, currency, cweb, datetime2-french, datetime2-german, datetime2-romanian, datetime2-ukrainian, dehyph-exptl, disser, docsurvey, dox, draftfigure, drawmatrix, dtk, dviinfox, easyformat, ebproof, elements, endheads, enotez, eqnalign, erewhon, eulerpx, expex, exsheets, factura, facture, fancyhdr, fbb, fei, fetamont, fibeamer, fithesis, fixme, fmtcount, fnspe, fontmfizz, fontools, fonts-churchslavonic, fontspec, footnotehyper, forest, gandhi, genealogytree, glossaries, glossaries-extra, gofonts, gotoh, graphics, graphics-def, graphics-pln, grayhints, gregoriotex, gtrlib-largetrees, gzt, halloweenmath, handout, hang, heuristica, hlist, hobby, hvfloat, hyperref, hyperxmp, ifptex, ijsra, japanese-otf-uptex, jlreq, jmlr, jsclasses, jslectureplanner, karnaugh-map, keyfloat, knowledge, komacv, koma-script, kotex-oblivoir, l3, l3build, ladder, langsci, latex, latex2e, latex2man, latex3, latexbug, latexindent, latexmk, latex-mr, leaflet, leipzig, libertine, libertinegc, libertinus, libertinust1math, lion-msc, lni, longdivision, lshort-chinese, ltb2bib, lualatex-math, lualibs, luamesh, luamplib, luaotfload, luapackageloader, luatexja, luatexko, lwarp, make4ht, marginnote, markdown, mathalfa, mathpunctspace, mathtools, mcexam, mcf2graph, media9, minidocument, modular, montserrat, morewrites, mpostinl, mptrees, mucproc, musixtex, mwcls, mweights, nameauth, newpx, newtx, newtxtt, nfssext-cfr, nlctdoc, novel, numspell, nwejm, oberdiek, ocgx2, oplotsymbl, optidef, oscola, overlays, pagecolor, pdflatexpicscale, pdfpages, pdfx, perfectcut, pgfplots, phonenumbers, phonrule, pkuthss, platex, platex-tools, polski, preview, program, proofread, prooftrees, pst-3dplot, pst-barcode, pst-eucl, pst-func, pst-ode, pst-pdf, pst-plot, pstricks, pstricks-add, pst-solides3d, pst-spinner, pst-tools, pst-tree, pst-vehicle, ptex2pdf, ptex-base, ptex-fontmaps, pxbase, pxchfon, pxrubrica, pythonhighlight, quran, ran_toks, reledmac, repere, resphilosophica, revquantum, rputover, rubik, rutitlepage, sansmathfonts, scratch, seealso, sesstime, siunitx, skdoc, songs, spectralsequences, stackengine, stage, sttools, studenthandouts, svg, tcolorbox, tex4ebook, tex4ht, texosquery, texproposal, thaienum, thalie, thesis-ekf, thuthesis, tikz-kalender, tikzmark, tikz-optics, tikz-palattice, tikzpeople, tikzsymbols, titlepic, tl17, tqft, tracklang, tudscr, tugboat-plain, turabian-formatting, txuprcal, typoaid, udesoftec, uhhassignment, ukrainian, ulthese, unamthesis, unfonts-core, unfonts-extra, unicode-math, uplatex, upmethodology, uptex-base, urcls, variablelm, varsfromjobname, visualtikz, xassoccnt, xcharter, xcntperchap, xecjk, xepersian, xetexko, xevlna, xgreek, xsavebox, xsim, ycbook.

2 May 2017

Enrico Zini: Vector Discordian Pope Cards

I like Discordian Pope cards. I wanted to print a batch, but online I could only find low-quality .jpg versions, so I took inkscape, used the low-quality as a template grayed out in a background immutable layer, and redid them properly. Here are the results: Preview: Discordian Pope Card, Front Discordian Pope Card, Back I release them under the WTFPL license: you can print them, redistribute them, and modify them at will. The fonts I used are: Update: now available as a git repo

31 March 2017

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in March 2017

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previous month):
Reproducible builds

Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most software is distributed pre-compiled to end users. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to permit verification that no flaws have been introduced either maliciously or accidentally during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. I have generously been awarded a grant from the Core Infrastructure Initiative to fund my work in this area. This month I:
I also made the following changes to our tooling:

diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues.

  • New features/optimisations:
    • Extract squashfs archive in one go rather than per-file, speeding up ISO comparison by ~10x.
    • Add support for .docx and .odt files via docx2txt & odt2txt. (#859056).
    • Add support for PGP files via pgpdump. (#859034).
    • Add support for comparing Pcap files. (#858867).
    • Compare GIF images using gifbuild. (#857610).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Ensure that we really are using ImageMagick and not the GraphicsMagick compatibility layer. (#857940).
    • Fix and add test for meaningless 1234-content metadata when introspecting archives. (#858223).
    • Fix detection of ISO9660 images processed with isohybrid.
    • Skip icc tests if the Debian-specific patch is not present. (#856447).
    • Support newer versions of cbfstool to avoid test failures. (#856446).
    • Update the progress bar prior to working to ensure filename is in sync.
  • Cleanups:
    • Use /usr/share/dpkg/ over manual calls to dpkg-parsechangelog in debian/rules.
    • Ensure tests and the runtime environment can locate binaries in /usr/sbin (eg. tcpdump).


strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build.

  • Fix a possible endless loop while stripping .ar files due to trusting the file's own file size data. (#857975).
  • Add support for testing files we should reject and include the filename when evaluating fixtures. is my experiment into how to process, store and distribute .buildinfo files after the Debian archive software has processed them.

  • Add support for Format: 1.0. (#20).
  • Don't parse Format: header as the source package version. (#21).
  • Show the reproducible status of packages.


I submitted my platform for the 2017 Debian Project Leader Elections. This was subsequently covered on LWN and I have been participating in the discussions on the debian-vote mailing list since then.

Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 14.75 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 848-1 for the freetype font library fixing a denial of service vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 851-1 for wget preventing a header injection attack.
  • Issued DLA 863-1 for the deluge BitTorrent client correcting a cross-site request forgery vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 864-1 for jhead (an EXIF metadata tool) patching an arbitrary code execution vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 865-1 for the suricata intrusion detection system, fixing an IP protocol matching error.
  • Issued DLA 871-1 for python3.2 fixing a TLS stripping vulnerability in the smptlib library.
  • Issued DLA 873-1 for apt-cacher preventing a HTTP response splitting vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 876-1 for eject to prevent an issue regarding the checking of setuid(2) and setgid(2) return values.

  • python-django:
    • 1:1.10.6-1 New upstream bugfix release.
    • 1:1.11~rc1-1 New upstream release candidate.
  • redis:
    • 3:3.2.8-2 Avoid conflict between RuntimeDirectory and tmpfiles.d(5) both attempting to create /run/redis with differing permissions. (#856116)
    • 3:3.2.8-3 Revert the creation of a /usr/bin/redis-check-rdb to /usr/bin/redis-server symlink to avoid a dangling symlink if only the redis-tools package is installed. (#858519)
  • gunicorn 19.7.0-1 & 19.7.1-1 New upstream releases.
  • adminer 4.3.0-1 New upstream release.

Finally, I also made the following non-maintainer uploads (NMUs):

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 121 packages: 4pane, adql, android-platform-system-core, android-sdk-helper, braillegraph, deepnano, dh-runit, django-auth-ldap, django-dirtyfields, drf-extensions, gammaray, gcc-7, gnome-keysign, golang-code.gitea-sdk, golang-github-bluebreezecf-opentsdb-goclient, golang-github-bsm-redeo, golang-github-cupcake-rdb, golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb, golang-github-exponent-io-jsonpath, golang-github-facebookgo-ensure, golang-github-facebookgo-freeport, golang-github-facebookgo-grace, golang-github-facebookgo-httpdown, golang-github-facebookgo-stack, golang-github-facebookgo-subset, golang-github-go-openapi-loads, golang-github-go-openapi-runtime, golang-github-go-openapi-strfmt, golang-github-go-openapi-validate, golang-github-golang-geo, golang-github-gorilla-pat, golang-github-gorilla-securecookie, golang-github-issue9-assert, golang-github-issue9-identicon, golang-github-jaytaylor-html2text, golang-github-joho-godotenv, golang-github-juju-errors, golang-github-kisielk-gotool, golang-github-kubernetes-gengo, golang-github-lpabon-godbc, golang-github-lunny-log, golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc, golang-github-mrjones-oauth, golang-github-nbutton23-zxcvbn-go, golang-github-neelance-sourcemap, golang-github-ngaut-deadline, golang-github-ngaut-go-zookeeper, golang-github-ngaut-log, golang-github-ngaut-pools, golang-github-ngaut-sync2, golang-github-optiopay-kafka, golang-github-quobyte-api, golang-github-renstrom-dedent, golang-github-sergi-go-diff, golang-github-siddontang-go, golang-github-smartystreets-go-aws-auth, golang-github-xanzy-go-cloudstack, golang-github-xtaci-kcp, golang-github-yohcop-openid-go, graywolf, haskell-raaz, hfst-ospell, hikaricp, iptraf-ng, kanboard-cli, kcptun, kreport, libbluray, libcatmandu-store-elasticsearch-perl, libcsfml, libnet-prometheus-perl, libosmocore, libpandoc-wrapper-perl, libseqlib, matrix-synapse, mockldap, nfs-ganesha, node-buffer, node-pako, nose-el, nvptx-tools, nx-libs, open-ath9k-htc-firmware, pagein, paleomix, pgsql-ogr-fdw, profanity, pyosmium, python-biotools, python-django-extra-views, python-django-otp, python-django-push-notifications, python-dnslib, python-gmpy, python-gmpy2, python-holidays, python-kanboard, python-line-profiler, python-pgpy, python-pweave, python-raven, python-xapian-haystack, python-xopen, r-cran-v8, repetier-host, ruby-jar-dependencies, ruby-maven-libs, ruby-psych, ruby-retriable, seafile-client, spyder-unittest, stressant, systray-mdstat, telegram-desktop, thawab, tigris, tnseq-transit, typesafe-config, vibe.d, x2goserver & xmlrpc-c. I additionally filed 14 RC bugs against packages that had incomplete debian/copyright files against: golang-github-cupcake-rdb, golang-github-sergi-go-diff, graywolf, hfst-ospell, libbluray, pgsql-ogr-fdw, python-gmpy, python-gmpy2, python-pgpy, python-xapian-haystack, repetier-host, telegram-desktop, tigris & xmlrpc-c.

24 March 2017

Gunnar Wolf: Dear lazyweb: How would you visualize..?

Dear lazyweb, I am trying to get a good way to present the categorization of several cases studied with a fitting graph. I am rating several vulnerabilities / failures according to James Cebula et. al.'s paper, A taxonomy of Operational Cyber Security Risks; this is a somewhat deep taxonomy, with 57 end items, but organized in a three levels deep hierarchy. Copying a table from the cited paper (click to display it full-sized): My categorization is binary: I care only whether it falls within a given category or not. My first stab at this was to represent each case using a star or radar graph. As an example: As you can see, to a "bare" star graph, I added a background color for each top-level category (blue for actions of people, green for systems and technology failures), red for failed internal processes and gray for external events), and printed out only the labels for the second level categories; for an accurate reading of the graphs, you have to refer to the table and count bars. And, yes, according to the Engineering Statistics Handbook:
Star plots are helpful for small-to-moderate-sized multivariate data sets. Their primary weakness is that their effectiveness is limited to data sets with less than a few hundred points. After that, they tend to be overwhelming.
I strongly agree with the above statement And stating that "a few hundred points" can be understood is even an overstatement. 50 points are just too much. Now, trying to increase usability for this graph, I came across the Sunburst diagram. One of the proponents for this diagram, John Stasko, has written quite a bit about it. Now... How to create my beautiful Sunburst diagram? That's a tougher one. Even though the page I linked to in the (great!) Data visualization catalogue presents even some free-as-in-software tools to do this... They are Javascript projects that will render their beautiful plots (even including an animation)... To the browser. I need them for a static (i.e. to be printed) document. Yes, I can screenshot and all, but I want them to be automatically generated, so I can review and regenerate them all automatically. Oh, I could just write JSON and use SaaS sites such as Aculocity to do the heavy-lifting, but if you know me, you will understand why I don't want to. So... I set out to find a Gunnar-approved way to display the information I need. Now, as the Protovis documentation says, an icicle is simply a sunburst transformed from polar to cartesian coordinates... But I came to a similar conclusion: The tools I found are not what I need. OK, but an icicle graph seems much simpler to produce I fired up my Emacs, and started writing using Ruby, RMagick and RVG... I decided to try a different way. This is my result so far: So... What do you think? Does this look right to you? Clearer than the previous one? Worst? Do you have any idea on how I could make this better? Oh... You want to tell me there is something odd about it? Well, yes, of course! I still need to tweak it quite a bit. Would you believe me if I told you this is not really a left-to-right icicle graph, but rather a strangely formatted Graphviz non-directed graph using the dot formatter? I can assure you you don't want to look at my Graphviz sources... But in case you insist... Take them and laugh. Or cry. Of course, this file comes from a hand-crafted template, but has some autogenerated bits to it. I have still to tweak it quite a bit to correct several of its usability shortcomings, but at least it looks somewhat like what I want to achieve. Anyway, I started out by making a "dear lazyweb" question. So, here it goes: Do you think I'm using the right visualization for my data? Do you have any better suggestions, either of a graph or of a graph-generating tool? Thanks! [update] Thanks for the first pointer, Lazyweb! I found a beautiful solution; we will see if it is what I need or not (it is too space-greedy to be readable... But I will check it out more thoroughly). It lays out much better than anything I can spew out by myself Writing it as a mindmap using TikZ directly from within LaTeX, I get the following result:

16 March 2017

Wouter Verhelst: Codes of Conduct

These days, most large FLOSS communities have a "Code of Conduct"; a document that outlines the acceptable (and possibly not acceptable) behaviour that contributors to the community should or should not exhibit. By writing such a document, a community can arm itself more strongly in the fight against trolls, harassment, and other forms of antisocial behaviour that is rampant on the anonymous medium that the Internet still is. Writing a good code of conduct is no easy matter, however. I should know -- I've been involved in such a process twice; once for Debian, and once for FOSDEM. While I was the primary author for the Debian code of conduct, the same is not true for the FOSDEM one; I was involved, and I did comment on a few early drafts, but the core of FOSDEM's current code was written by another author. I had wanted to write a draft myself, but then this one arrived and I didn't feel like I could improve it, so it remained. While it's not easy to come up with a Code of Conduct, there (luckily) are others who walked this path before you. On the "geek feminism" wiki, there is an interesting overview of existing Open Source community and conference codes of conduct, and reading one or more of them can provide one with some inspiration as to things to put in one's own code of conduct. That wiki page also contains a paragraph "Effective codes of conduct", which says (amongst others) that a good code of conduct should include
Specific descriptions of common but unacceptable behaviour (sexist jokes, etc.)
The attentive reader will notice that such specific descriptions are noticeably absent from both the Debian and the FOSDEM codes of conduct. This is not because I hadn't seen the above recommendation (I had); it is because I disagree with it. I do not believe that adding a list of "don't"s to a code of conduct is a net positive to it. Why, I hear you ask? Surely having a list of things that are not welcome behaviour is a good thing, which should be encouraged? Surely such a list clarifies the kind of things your does not want to see? Having such a list will discourage that bad behaviour, right? Well, no, I don't think so. And here's why.

Enumerating badness A list of things not to do is like a virus scanner. For those not familiar with these: on some operating systems, there is specific piece of software that everyone recommends you run, which checks if particular blobs of data appear in files on the disk. If they do, then these files are assumed to be bad, and are kicked out. If they do not, then these files are assumed to be not bad, and are left alone (for the most part). This works if we know all the possible types of badness; but as soon as someone invents a new form of badness, suddenly your virus scanner is ineffective. Additionally, it also means you're bound to continually have to update your virus scanner (or, as the case may be, code of conduct) to a continually changing hostile world. For these (and other) reasons, enumerating badness is listed as number 2 in security expert Markus Ranum's "six dumbest ideas in computer security," which was written in 2005. In short, a list of "things not to do" is bound to be incomplete; if the goal is to clarify the kind of behaviour that is not welcome in your community, it is usually much better to explain the behaviour that is wanted, so that people can infer (by their absense) the kind of behaviour that isn't welcome. This neatly brings me to my next point...

Black vs White vs Gray. The world isn't black-and-white. We could define a list of welcome behaviour -- let's call that the whitelist -- or a list of unwelcome behaviour -- the blacklist -- and assume that the work is done after doing so. However, that wouldn't be true. For every item on either the white or black list, there's going to be a number of things that fall somewhere in between. Let's call those things as being on the "gray" list. They're not the kind of outstanding behaviour that we would like to see -- they'd be on the white list if they were -- but they're not really obvious CoC violations, either. You'd prefer it if people don't do those things, but it'd be a stretch to say they're jerks if they do. Let's clarify that with an example: Is it a code of conduct violation if you post links to pornography websites on your community's main development mailinglist? What about jokes involving porn stars? Or jokes that denigrate women, or that explicitly involve some gender-specific part of the body? What about an earring joke? Or a remark about a user interacting with your software, where the women are depicted as not understanding things as well as men? Or a remark about users in general, that isn't written in a gender-neutral manner? What about a piece of self-deprecating humor? What about praising someone else for doing something outstanding? I'm sure most people would agree that the first case in the above paragraph should be a code of conduct violation, whereas the last case should not be. Some of the items in the list in between are clearly on one or the other side of the argument, but for others the jury is out. Let's call those as being in the gray zone. (Note: no, I did not mean to imply that the list is ordered in any way ;-) If you write a list of things not to do, then by implication (because you didn't mention them), the things in the gray area are okay. This is especially problematic when it comes to things that are borderline blacklisted behaviour (or that should be blacklisted but aren't, because your list is incomplete -- see above). In such a situation, you're dealing with people who are jerks but can argue about it because your definition of jerk didn't cover teir behaviour. Because they're jerks, you can be sure they'll do everything in their power to waste your time about it, rather than improving their behaviour. In contrast, if you write a list of things that you want people to do, then by implication (because you didn't mention it), the things in the gray area are not okay. If someone slips and does something in that gray area anyway, then that probably means they're doing something borderline not-whitelisted, which would be mildly annoying but doesn't make them jerks. If you point that out to them, they might go "oh, right, didn't think of it that way, sorry, will aspire to be better next time". Additionally, the actual jerks and trolls will have been given less tools to argue about borderline violations (because the border of your code of conduct is far, far away from jerky behaviour), so less time is wasted for those of your community who have to police it (yay!). In theory, the result of a whitelist is a community of people who aspire to be nice people, rather than a community of people who simply aspire to be "not jerks". I know which kind of community I prefer.

Giving the wrong impression During one of the BOFs that were held while I was drafting the Debian code of conduct, it was pointed out to me that a list of things not to do may give the impression to people that all these things on this list do actually happen in the code's community. If that is true, then a very long list may produce the impression that the given community is a community with a lot of problems. Instead, a whitelist-based code of conduct will provide the impression that you're dealing with a healthy community. Whether that is the case obviously depends on more factors than just the code of conduct itself, but it will put people in the right mindset for this to become something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Conclusion Given all of the above, I think a whitelist-based code of conduct is a better idea than a blacklist-based one. Additionally, in the few years since the Debian code of conduct was accepted, it is my impression that the general atmosphere in the Debian project has improved, which would seem to confirm that the method works (but YMMV, of course). At any rate, I'm not saying that blacklist-based codes of conduct are useless. However, I do think that whitelist-based ones are better; and hopefully, you now agree, too ;-)

8 March 2017

Antoine Beaupr : An update to GitHub's terms of service

On February 28th, GitHub published a brand new version of its Terms of Service (ToS). While the first draft announced earlier in February didn't generate much reaction, the new ToS raised concerns that they may break at least the spirit, if not the letter, of certain free-software licenses. Digging in further reveals that the situation is probably not as dire as some had feared. The first person to raise the alarm was probably Thorsten Glaser, a Debian developer, who stated that the "new GitHub Terms of Service require removing many Open Source works from it". His concerns are mainly about section D of the document, in particular section D.4 which states:
You grant us and our legal successors the right to store and display your Content and make incidental copies as necessary to render the Website and provide the Service.
Section D.5 then goes on to say:
[...] You grant each User of GitHub a nonexclusive, worldwide license to access your Content through the GitHub Service, and to use, display and perform your Content, and to reproduce your Content solely on GitHub as permitted through GitHub's functionality

ToS versus GPL The concern here is that the ToS bypass the normal provisions of licenses like the GPL. Indeed, copyleft licenses are based on copyright law which forbid users from doing anything with the content unless they comply with the license, which forces, among other things, "share alike" properties. By granting GitHub and its users rights to reproduce content without explicitly respecting the original license, the ToS may allow users to bypass the copyleft nature of the license. Indeed, as Joey Hess, author of git-annex, explained :
The new TOS is potentially very bad for copylefted Free Software. It potentially neuters it entirely, so GPL licensed software hosted on Github has an implicit BSD-like license
Hess has since removed all his content (mostly mirrors) from GitHub. Others disagree. In a well-reasoned blog post, Debian developer Jonathan McDowell explained the rationale behind the changes:
My reading of the GitHub changes is that they are driven by a desire to ensure that GitHub are legally covered for the things they need to do with your code in order to run their service.
This seems like a fair point to make: GitHub needs to protect its own rights to operate the service. McDowell then goes on to do a detailed rebuttal of the arguments made by Glaser, arguing specifically that section D.5 "does not grant [...] additional rights to reproduce outside of GitHub". However, specific problems arise when we consider that GitHub is a private corporation that users have no control over. The "Services" defined in the ToS explicitly "refers to the applications, software, products, and services provided by GitHub". The term "Services" is therefore not limited to the current set of services. This loophole may actually give GitHub the right to bypass certain provisions of licenses used on GitHub. As Hess detailed in a later blog post:
If Github tomorrow starts providing say, an App Store service, that necessarily involves distribution of software to others, and they put my software in it, would that be allowed by this or not? If that hypothetical Github App Store doesn't sell apps, but licenses access to them for money, would that be allowed under this license that they want to my software?
However, when asked on IRC, Bradley M. Kuhn of the Software Freedom Conservancy explained that "ultimately, failure to comply with a copyleft license is a copyright infringement" and that the ToS do outline a process to deal with such infringement. Some lawyers have also publicly expressed their disagreement with Glaser's assessment, with Richard Fontana from Red Hat saying that the analysis is "basically wrong". It all comes down to the intent of the ToS, as Kuhn (who is not a lawyer) explained:
any license can be abused or misused for an intent other than its original intent. It's why it matters to get every little detail right, and I hope Github will do that.
He went even further and said that "we should assume the ambiguity in their ToS as it stands is favorable to Free Software". The ToS are in effect since February 28th; users "can accept them by clicking the broadcast announcement on your dashboard or by continuing to use GitHub". The immediacy of the change is one of the reasons why certain people are rushing to remove content from GitHub: there are concerns that continuing to use the service may be interpreted as consent to bypass those licenses. Hess even hosted a separate copy of the ToS [PDF] for people to be able to read the document without implicitly consenting. It is, however, unclear how a user should remove their content from the GitHub servers without actually agreeing to the new ToS.

CLAs When I read the first draft, I initially thought there would be concerns about the mandatory Contributor License Agreement (CLA) in section D.5 of the draft:
[...] unless there is a Contributor License Agreement to the contrary, whenever you make a contribution to a repository containing notice of a license, you license your contribution under the same terms, and agree that you have the right to license your contribution under those terms.
I was concerned this would establish the controversial practice of forcing CLAs on every GitHub user. I managed to find a post from a lawyer, Kyle E. Mitchell, who commented on the draft and, specifically, on the CLA. He outlined issues with wording and definition problems in that section of the draft. In particular, he noted that "contributor license agreement is not a legal term of art, but an industry term" and "is a bit fuzzy". This was clarified in the final draft, in section D.6, by removing the use of the CLA term and by explicitly mentioning the widely accepted norm for licenses: "inbound=outbound". So it seems that section D.6 is not really a problem: contributors do not need to necessarily delegate copyright ownership (as some CLAs require) when they make a contribution, unless otherwise noted by a repository-specific CLA. An interesting concern he raised, however, was with how GitHub conducted the drafting process. A blog post announced the change on February 7th with a link to a form to provide feedback until the 21st, with a publishing deadline of February 28th. This gave little time for lawyers and developers to review the document and comment on it. Users then had to basically accept whatever came out of the process as-is. Unlike every software project hosted on GitHub, the ToS document is not part of a Git repository people can propose changes to or even collaboratively discuss. While Mitchell acknowledges that "GitHub are within their rights to update their terms, within very broad limits, more or less however they like, whenever they like", he sets higher standards for GitHub than for other corporations, considering the community it serves and the spirit it represents. He described the process as:
[...] consistent with the value of CYA, which is real, but not with the output-improving virtues of open process, which is also real, and a great deal more pleasant.
Mitchell also explained that, because of its position, GitHub can have a major impact on the free-software world.
And as the current forum of preference for a great many developers, the knock-on effects of their decisions throw big weight. While GitHub have the wheel and they ve certainly earned it for now they can do real damage.
In particular, there have been some concerns that the ToS change may be an attempt to further the already diminishing adoption of the GPL for free-software projects; on GitHub, the GPL has been surpassed by the MIT license. But Kuhn believes that attitudes at GitHub have begun changing:
GitHub historically had an anti-copyleft culture, which was created in large part by their former and now ousted CEO, Preston-Warner. However, recently, I've seen people at GitHub truly reach out to me and others in the copyleft community to learn more and open their minds. I thus have a hard time believing that there was some anti-copyleft conspiracy in this ToS change.

GitHub response However, it seems that GitHub has actually been proactive in reaching out to the free software community. Kuhn noted that GitHub contacted the Conservancy to get its advice on the ToS changes. While he still thinks GitHub should fix the ambiguities quickly, he also noted that those issues "impact pretty much any non-trivial Open Source and Free Software license", not just copylefted material. When reached for comments, a GitHub spokesperson said:
While we are confident that these Terms serve the best needs of the community, we take our users' feedback very seriously and we are looking closely at ways to address their concerns.
Regardless, free-software enthusiasts have other concerns than the new ToS if they wish to use GitHub. First and foremost, most of the software running GitHub is proprietary, including the JavaScript served to your web browser. GitHub also created a centralized service out of a decentralized tool (Git). It has become the largest code hosting service in the world after only a few years and may well have become a single point of failure for free software collaboration in a way we have never seen before. Outages and policy changes at GitHub can have a major impact on not only the free-software world, but also the larger computing world that relies on its services for daily operation. There are now free-software alternatives to GitHub., for example, does not seem to have similar licensing issues in its ToS and GitLab itself is free software, although based on the controversial open core business model. The GitLab hosting service still needs to get better than its grade of "C" in the GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations (and it is being worked on); other services like GitHub and SourceForge score an "F". In the end, all this controversy might have been avoided if GitHub was generally more open about the ToS development process and gave more time for feedback and reviews by the community. Terms of service are notorious for being confusing and something of a legal gray area, especially for end users who generally click through without reading them. We should probably applaud the efforts made by GitHub to make its own ToS document more readable and hope that, with time, it will address the community's concerns.
Note: this article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

21 February 2017

Steinar H. Gunderson: 8-bit Y'CbCr ought to be enough for anyone?

If you take a random computer today, it's pretty much a given that it runs a 24-bit mode (8 bits of each of R, G and B); as we moved from palettized displays at some point during the 90s, we quickly went past 15- and 16-bit and settled on 24-bit. The reasons are simple; 8 bits per channel is easy to work with on CPUs, and it's on the verge of what human vision can distinguish, at least if you add some dither. As we've been slowly taking the CPU off the pixel path and replacing it with GPUs (which has specialized hardware for more kinds of pixels formats), changing formats have become easier, and there's some push to 10-bit (30-bit) deep color for photo pros, but largely, 8-bit per channel is where we are. Yet, I'm now spending time adding 10-bit input (and eventually also 10-bit output) to Nageru. Why? The reason is simple: Y'CbCr. Video traditionally isn't done in RGB, but in Y'CbCr; that is, a black-and-white signal (Y) and then two color-difference signals (Cb and Cr, roughly additional blueness and additional redness , respectively). We started doing this because it was convenient in analog TV (if you separate the two, black-and-white TVs can just ignore the color signal), but we kept doing it because it's very nice for reducing bandwidth: Human vision is much less sensitive to color than to brightness, so we can transfer the color channels in lower resolution and get away with it. (Also, a typical Bayer sensor can't deliver full color resolution anyway.) So most cameras and video codecs work in Y'CbCr, not RGB. Let's look at the implications of using 8-bit Y'CbCr, using a highly simplified model for, well, simplicity. Let's define Y = 1/3 (R + G + B), Cr = R - Y and Cb = B - Y. (The reverse transformation becomes R = Y + Cr, B = Y + Cb and G = 3Y - R - B.) This means that an RGB color such as pure gray ([127, 127, 127]) becomes [127, 0, 0]. All is good, and Y can go from 0 to 255, just like R, G and B can. A pure red ([255, 0, 0]) becomes [85, 170, 0], and a pure blue ([255, 0, 0]) becomes correspondingly [85, 0, 170]. But we can also have negative Cr and Cb values; a pure yellow ([0, 255, 255]) becomes [170, -170, 85], for instance. So we need to squeeze values from -170 to +170 into an 8-bit range, losing accuracy. Even worse, there are valid Y'CbCr triplets that don't correspond to meaningful RGB colors at all. For instance, Y'CbCr [255, 170, 0] would be RGB [425, 85, 255]; R is out of range! And Y'CbCr [255, -170, 0] would be RGB [85, -85, 255], that is, negative green. This isn't a problem for compression, as we can just avoid using those illegal colors with no loss of efficiency. But it means that the conversion in itself causes a loss; actually, if you do the maths on the real formulas (using the BT.601 standard), it turns out only 17% of the 24-bit Y'CbCr code words are valid! In other words, we lose about two and a half bits of data, and our 24 bits of accuracy have been reduced to 21.5. Or, to put it another way; 8-bit Y'CbCr is roughly equivalent to 7-bit RGB. Thus, pretty much all professional video uses 10-bit Y'CbCr. It's much more annoying to deal with (especially when you've got subsampling!), but if you're using SDI, there's not even any 8-bit version defined, so if you insist on 8-bit, you're taking data you're getting on the wire (whether you want it or not) and throwing 20% of it away. UHDTV standards (using HEVC) are also simply not defined for 8-bit; it's 10- and 12-bit only, even on the codec level. Parts of this is because UHDTV also supports HDR, so you have a wider RGB range than usual to begin with, and 8-bit would cause excessive banding. Using it on the codec level makes a lot of sense for another reason, namely that you reduce internal roundoff errors during processing by a lot; errors equal noise, and noise is bad for compression. I've seen numbers of 15% lower bitrate for H.264 at the same quality, although you also have to take into account that the encoeder also needs more CPU power that you could have used for a higher preset in 8-bit. I don't know how the tradeoff here works out, and you also have to take into account decoder support for 10-bit, especially when it comes to hardware. (When it comes to HEVC, Intel didn't get full fixed-function 10-bit support before Kaby Lake!) So indeed, 10-bit Y'CbCr makes sense even for quite normal video. It isn't a no-brainer to turn it on, though even though Nageru uses a compute shader to convert the 4:2:2 10-bit Y'CbCr to something the GPU can sample from quickly (ie., the CPU doesn't need to touch it), and all internal processing is in 16-bit floating point anyway, it still takes a nonzero amount of time to convert compared to just blasting through 8-bit, so my ultraportable probably won't make it anymore. (A discrete GPU has no issues at all, of course. My laptop converts a 720p frame in about 1.4 ms, FWIW.) But it's worth considering when you want to squeeze even more quality out of the system. And of course, there's still 10-bit output support to be written...

6 February 2017

Wouter Verhelst: FOSDEM 2017 is finished...

... but that doesn't mean the work is over. One big job that needs to happen after the conference is to review and release the video recordings that were made. With several hundreds of videos to be checked and only a handful of people with the ability to do so, review was a massive job that for the past three editions took several months; e.g., in 2016 the last video work was done in July, when the preparation of the 2017 edition had already started. Obviously this is suboptimal, and therefore another solution was required. After working on it for quite a while (in my spare time), I came up with SReview, a video review and transcoding system written in Perl. An obvious question that could be asked is why I wrote yet another system, though, and did not use something that already existed. The short answer to that is "because what's there did not exactly do what I wanted to". The somewhat longer answer also involves the fact that I felt like writing something from scratch. The full story, however, is this: there isn't very much out there, and what does exist is flawed in some ways. I am aware of three other review systems that are or were used by other conferences:
  1. A bunch of shell scripts that were written by the DebConf video team and hooked into the penta database. Nobody but DebConf ever used it. It allowed review via an NFS share and a webinterface, and required people to watch .dv files directly from the filesystem in a media player. For this and other reasons, it could only ever be used from the conference itself. If nothing else, that final limitation made it impossible for FOSDEM to use it, but even if that wasn't the case it was still too basic to ever be useful for a conference the size of FOSDEM.
  2. A review system used by the CCC "voc" team. I've never actually seen it in use, but I've heard people describe it. It involves a complicated setup of Samba servers, short MPEG transport stream segments, a FUSE filesystem, and kdenlive, which took someone several days to set up as an experiment back at DebConf15. Critically, important parts of it are also not licensed as free software, which to me rules it out for a tool in support of FOSDEM. Even if that wasn't the case, however, I'm still not sure it would be ideal; this system requires intimate knowledge of how it works from its user, which makes it harder for us to crowdsource the review to the speaker, as I had planned to.
  3. Veyepar. This one gets many things right, and we used it for video review at DebConf from DebConf14 onwards, as well as FOSDEM 2014 (but not 2015 or 2016). Unfortunately, it also gets many things wrong. Most of these can be traced back to the fact that Carl, as he freely admits, is not a programmer; he's more of a sysadmin type who also manages to cobble together a few scripts now and then. Some of the things it gets wrong are minor issues that would theoretically be fixable with a minimal amount of effort; others would be more involved. It is also severely underdocumented, and so as a result it is rather tedious for someone not very familiar with the system to be able to use it. On a more personal note, veyepar is also written in the wrong language, so while I might have spent some time improving it, I ended up starting from scratch.
Something all these systems have in common is that they try to avoid postprocessing as much as possible. This only makes sense; if you have to deal with loads and loads of video recordings, having to do too much postprocessing only ensures that it won't get done... Despite the issues that I have with it, I still think that veyepar is a great system, and am not ashamed to say that SReview borrows many ideas and concepts from it. However, it does things differently in some areas, too:
  1. A major focus has been on making the review form be as easy to use as possible. While there is still room for improvement (and help would certainly be welcome in that area from someone with more experience in UI design than me), I think the SReview review form is much easier to use than the veyepar one (which has so many options that it's pretty hard to understand sometimes).
  2. SReview assumes that as soon as there are recordings in a given room sufficient to fill all the time that a particular event in that room was scheduled for, the whole event is available. It will then generate a first rough cut, and send a notification to the speaker in question, as well as the people who organized the devroom. The reviewer will then almost certainly be required to request a second (and possibly third or fourth) cut, but I think the advantage of that is that it makes the review workflow be more intuitive and easier to understand.
  3. Where veyepar requires one or more instances of per-state scripts to be running (which will then each be polling the database and just start a transcode or cut or whatever script as needed), SReview uses a single "dispatch" script, which needs to be run once for the whole system (if using an external scheduler) or once per core that may be used (if not using an external scheduler), and which does all the database polling required. The use of an external scheduler seemed more appropriate, given that things like gridengine exist; gridengine is a job scheduler which allows one to submit a job to be ran on any node in a cluster, along with the resources that this particular job requires, and which will then either find an appropriate node to run the job on, or will put the job in a "pending" state until the required resources can be found. This allows me to more easily add extra encoding capacity when required, and allows me to also do things like allocate less resources to a particular part of the whole system, even while jobs are already running, without necessarily needing to abort jobs that might be using those resources.
The system seems to be working fine, although there's certainly still room for improvement. I'm thinking of using it for DebConf17 too, and will therefore probably work on improving it during DebCamp. Additionally, the experience of using it for FOSDEM 2017 has given me ideas of where to improve it further, so it can be used more easily by different parties, too. Some of these have been filed as issues against a "1.0" milestone on github, but others are only newly formed in my gray matter and will need some thinking through before they can be properly implemented. Certainly, it looks like this will be something that'll give me quite some fun developing further. In the mean time, if you're interested in the state of a particular video of FOSDEM 2017, have a look at the video overview page, which lists all talks along with their review/transcode status. Also, if you were a speaker or devroom organizer at FOSDEM 2017, please check your mailbox and review your talk! With your help, we should hopefully be able to release all our videos by the end of the week. Update (2017-02-06 17:18): clarified my position on the qualities of some of the other systems after feedback from people who were a bit disappointed by my description of them... and which was fair enough. Apologies. Update (2017-02-08 16:26): Fixes to the c3voc stuff after feedback from them.

8 December 2016

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen: MIME types and applications

On a Linux system with desktop-file-utils installed, the default application for opening a file with a file manager, from a web browser, or using xdg-open on the command line is not static. The last installed or upgraded application becomes the default. For example: After installing gimp, that application will be used to open any of the many types of files it supports. This lasts until another application which can open those mime types is installed or upgraded. If I later install or upgrade mupdf , that application will be used for PDF, until, etcetera. There are several bug reports filed for this confusing behaviour: Debian: Ubuntu: Firefox:


/usr/bin/update-desktop-database is a command in the package desktop-file-utils This command is run in the package postinst script, and triggers on writes to /usr/share/applications where .desktop files are written.

/usr/share/applications This directory contains a list of applications (files ending with .desktop). These desktop files include mime types they are able to work with. The mupdf.desktop example shows it is able to work with (among other) application/pdf
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=PDF file viewer
Comment=PDF file viewer
Exec=mupdf %f
[Desktop Action View]
Exec=mupdf %f
The gimp.desktop application entry shows it is more capable:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=GNU Image Manipulation Program
# [...]
However, I m quite sure I do not want gimp to be the default viewer for all those file types.

/usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache This is a list of MIME types, with a list of applications able to open them. The first entry in the list is the default application. You may also have one of these in ~/.local/share/applications for applications installed in the user s home directory. Examples: With gimp.desktop first, xdg-open test.pdf will use gimp
[MIME Cache]
# [...]
After uninstalling and reinstalling mupdf, mupdf.desktop is first in the list, and xdg-open test.pdf will use mupdf
[MIME Cache]
# [...]
The order of .desktop files in mimeinfo.cache is the reverse of the order they are added to that directory. The last installed utility is first in that list.

Application Trace This was fun to dig into. I ve just gotten some training which included a a better look at auditd. Auditd is a nice hammer, and this problem was a good nail. I ran the command under autrace , and then looked for the order of reads from each run. When mupdf is installed last, mupdf.desktop is read last, and placed first in the list of applications:
root@laptop:~# autrace /usr/bin/update-desktop-database
Waiting to execute: /usr/bin/update-desktop-database
Cleaning up...
Trace complete. You can locate the records with 'ausearch -i -p 13507'
root@laptop:~# ausearch -p 13507   aureport --file   egrep 'gimp mupdf'
389. 12/09/2016 17:35:37 /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop 4 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 8002
390. 12/09/2016 17:35:37 /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop 2 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 8003
391. 12/09/2016 17:35:37 /usr/share/applications/mupdf.desktop 4 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 8010
392. 12/09/2016 17:35:37 /usr/share/applications/mupdf.desktop 2 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 8011
root@laptop:~# grep application/pdf /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
Reinstalling gimp puts that first in the entry for application/pdf
root@laptop:~# apt install --reinstall gimp
Preparing to unpack .../gimp_2.8.18-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gimp (2.8.18-1) over (2.8.18-1) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.60) ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.23-1) ...
Setting up gimp (2.8.18-1) ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.13.3-8) ...
root@laptop:~# autrace /usr/bin/update-desktop-database
Waiting to execute: /usr/bin/update-desktop-database
Cleaning up...
Trace complete. You can locate the records with 'ausearch -i -p 15043'
root@laptop:~# ausearch -p 15043   aureport --file   egrep 'gimp mupdf'
389. 12/09/2016 17:39:53 /usr/share/applications/mupdf.desktop 4 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 9550
390. 12/09/2016 17:39:53 /usr/share/applications/mupdf.desktop 2 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 9551
391. 12/09/2016 17:39:53 /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop 4 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 9556
392. 12/09/2016 17:39:53 /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop 2 yes /usr/bin/update-desktop-database 1000 9557
root@laptop:~# grep application/pdf /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache

Configuration The solution to this is to add configuration so it will use something else than the default. The xdg-mime command is your tool. The various desktop environments often do this for you. However, if you have a lightweight work environment, you may need to do this yourself for the MIME types you care about.
ssm@laptop ~ :) % xdg-mime query default application/pdf
ssm@laptop ~ :) % xdg-mime default mupdf.desktop application/pdf
ssm@laptop ~ :) % xdg-mime query default application/pdf
This updates ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list , and you should now have set your preferred PDF reader.

19 October 2016

Kees Cook: Security bug lifetime

In several of my recent presentations, I ve discussed the lifetime of security flaws in the Linux kernel. Jon Corbet did an analysis in 2010, and found that security bugs appeared to have roughly a 5 year lifetime. As in, the flaw gets introduced in a Linux release, and then goes unnoticed by upstream developers until another release 5 years later, on average. I updated this research for 2011 through 2016, and used the Ubuntu Security Team s CVE Tracker to assist in the process. The Ubuntu kernel team already does the hard work of trying to identify when flaws were introduced in the kernel, so I didn t have to re-do this for the 557 kernel CVEs since 2011. As the README details, the raw CVE data is spread across the active/, retired/, and ignored/ directories. By scanning through the CVE files to find any that contain the line Patches_linux: , I can extract the details on when a flaw was introduced and when it was fixed. For example CVE-2016-0728 shows:
 break-fix: 3a50597de8635cd05133bd12c95681c82fe7b878 23567fd052a9abb6d67fe8e7a9ccdd9800a540f2
This means that CVE-2016-0728 is believed to have been introduced by commit 3a50597de8635cd05133bd12c95681c82fe7b878 and fixed by commit 23567fd052a9abb6d67fe8e7a9ccdd9800a540f2. If there are multiple lines, then there may be multiple SHAs identified as contributing to the flaw or the fix. And a - is just short-hand for the start of Linux git history. Then for each SHA, I queried git to find its corresponding release, and made a mapping of release version to release date, wrote out the raw data, and rendered graphs. Each vertical line shows a given CVE from when it was introduced to when it was fixed. Red is Critical , orange is High , blue is Medium , and black is Low : CVE lifetimes 2011-2016 And here it is zoomed in to just Critical and High: Critical and High CVE lifetimes 2011-2016 The line in the middle is the date from which I started the CVE search (2011). The vertical axis is actually linear time, but it s labeled with kernel releases (which are pretty regular). The numerical summary is: This comes out to roughly 5 years lifetime again, so not much has changed from Jon s 2010 analysis. While we re getting better at fixing bugs, we re also adding more bugs. And for many devices that have been built on a given kernel version, there haven t been frequent (or some times any) security updates, so the bug lifetime for those devices is even longer. To really create a safe kernel, we need to get proactive about self-protection technologies. The systems using a Linux kernel are right now running with security flaws. Those flaws are just not known to the developers yet, but they re likely known to attackers, as there have been prior boasts/gray-market advertisements for at least CVE-2010-3081 and CVE-2013-2888. (Edit: see my updated graphs that include CVE-2016-5195.)

2016, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Creative Commons License

26 June 2016

Steinar H. Gunderson: Nageru 1.3.0 released

I've just released version 1.3.0 of Nageru, my live software video mixer. Things have been a bit quiet on the Nageru front recently, for two reasons: First, I've been busy with moving (from Switzerland to Norway) and associated job change (from Google to MySQL/Oracle). Things are going well, but these kinds of changes tend to take, well, time and energy. Second, the highlight of Nageru 1.3.0 is encoding of H.264 streams meant for end users (using x264), not just the Quick Sync Video streams from earlier versions, which work more as a near-lossless intermediate format meant for transcoding to something else later. Like with most things video, hitting such features really hard (I've been doing literally weeks of continuous stream testing) tends to expose weaknesses in upstream software. In particular, I wanted x264 speed control, where the quality is tuned up and down live as the content dictates. This is mainly because the content I want to stream this summer (demoscene competitions) varies from the very simple to downright ridiculously complex (as you can see, YouTube just basically gives up and creates gray blocks). If you have only one static quality setting, you will have the choice between something that looks like crap for everything, and one that drops frames like crazy (or, if your encoding software isn't all that, like e.g. using ffmpeg(1) directly, just gets behind and all your clients' streams just stop) when the tricky stuff comes. There was an unofficial patch for speed control, but it was buggy, not suitable for today's hardware and not kept at all up to date with modern x264 versions. So to get speed control, I had to work that patch pretty heavily (including making it so that it could work in Nageru directly instead of requiring a patched x264) and then it exposed a bug in x264 proper that would cause corruption when changing between some presets, and I couldn't release 1.3.0 before that fix had at least hit git. Similarly, debugging this exposed an issue with how I did streaming with ffmpeg and the MP4 mux (which you need to be able to stream H.264 directly to HTML5 <video> without any funny and latency-inducing segmenting business); to know where keyframes started, I needed to flush the mux before each one, but this messes up interleaving, and if frames were ever dropped right in front of a keyframe (which they would on the most difficult content, even at speed control's fastest presets!), the duration field of the frame would be wrong, causing the timestamps to be wrong and even having pts < dts in some cases. (VLC has to deal with flushing in exactly the same way, and thus would have exactly the same issue, although VLC generally doesn't transcode variable-framerate content so well to begin with, so the heuristics would be more likely to work. Incidentally, I wrote the VLC code for this flushing back in the day, to be able to stream WebM for some Debconf.) I cannot take credit for the ffmpeg/libav fixes (that was all done by Martin Storsj ), but again, Nageru had to wait for the new API they introduce (that just signals to the application when a keyframe is about to begin, removing the need for flushing) to get into git mainline. Hopefully, both fixes will get into releases soon-ish and from there one make their way into stretch. Apart from that, there's a bunch of fixes as always. I'm still occasionally (about once every two weeks of streaming or so) hitting what I believe is a bug in NVIDIA's proprietary OpenGL drivers, but it's nearly impossible to debug without some serious help from them, and they haven't been responding to my inquiries. Every two weeks means that you could be hitting it in a weekend's worth of streaming, so it would be nice to get it fixed, but it also means it's really really hard to make a reproducible test case. :-) But the fact that this is currently the worst stability bug (and that you can work around it by using e.g. Intel's drivers) also shows that Nageru is pretty stable these days.

22 June 2016

Andrew Cater: Why share / why collaborate? - Some useful sources outside Debian.

"We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris."
[Larry Wall, Programming Perl, O'Reilly Assoc. (and expanded at ]

Because "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"
[The above copyright Young and Rubicam, advertisers, for UNC Fund, 1960s]

"Why I Must Write GNUI consider that the Golden Rule requires that if I like a program I must share it with other people who like it. Software sellers want to divide the users and conquer them, making each user agree not to share with others. I refuse to break solidarity with other users in this way. I cannot in good conscience sign a nondisclosure agreement or a software license agreement. ... "
[rms, GNU Manifesto copyright 1985-2014 Free Software Foundation Inc.]

"La p dagogie, l information, la culture et le d bat d opinion sont le seul fait des utilisateurs, des webmestres ind pendants et des initiatives universitaires et associatives."
Education, information, culture and debate can only come from users, independent webmasters, academic or associative organizations.
[le minir zo]

We value:
  1. Contributors and facilitators over editors and authors
  2. Collaboration over indiviualised production
  3. Here and now production over sometime soon production
  4. Meaningful credit for all contributors over single author attribution - from whom much of the above quotations were abstracted - Manifestos for the Internet Age
Grayscale Press ISBN-13:978-2-940561-02-5]

[Note] Github repository is marked with licence of CC-Zero but explicitly states that licences of the individual pieces of writing should be respected

So - collaboration matters. Not repeating needless make-work that someone else has already done matters. Giving due credit: sharing: doing and "do-ocracy" matters above all

Perversely, Acknowledging prior work and prior copyright correctly is the beginning and end of the law. Only by doing this conscientiously and sharing in giving due credit can any of us truly participate.

It seems clear to me at least that contributing openly and freely, allowing others to make use of your expertise, opinions, prior experience can anyone progress in good conscience.

Accordingly, I recommend to my work colleagues and those I advise that they only consider FLOSS licences, that they do not make use of code snippets or random, unlicensed code culled form Github and that they contribute

